THE MATRIX RESURRECTIONS Will Not Kick Off a New Trilogy of Films
It’s so crazy that after 20 years we are actually getting a new Matrix film. The Matrix Resurrection hits theaters today, December 22nd.I haven’t seen the film myself yet, but I’m super stoked about it and I’ll be seeing soon!
A lot of fans have been wondering if this movie would launch a whole new trilogy of Matrix films. It makes sense to ask that question because whenever a trilogy franchise is rebooted, it often leads to another trilogy. But, that will not be the case with The Matrix Resurrections.
During a recent interview with AP Entertainment, director Lana Wachowski was askied about The Matrix Resurrections being the start of a new trilogy, and after joking about deflecting the question to her producers, she simply said, "No."
You can’t get a clearer answer than that. The Matrix: Resurrections could very well be the last Matrix movie that will ever be made. But, who knows! If the films has an epic box office success over the holiday week, there’s no doubt that Warner Bros. will push for another one. Even then, it might not happen.
Regardless, if this movie closes out in the story of Neo and Trinity in the perfect way, then there’s really no reason for a sequel. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how this movie plays out!