THE MONSTER SQUAD: Behind-The-Scenes Look at the Creation of The Iconic Monsters

Director Fred Dekker and writer Shane Black’s classic 1987 horror movie Monster Squad is a favorite film of mine. I remember being blown away by it when I first saw it as a kid!

Seeing Dracula, Mummy, Wolfman, The Creature From The Black Lagoon, and Frankenstein’s Monster together in a movie and watching a group of kids around the same age as me battling them was incredibly cool! It was supposed to be a pretty big event film in the 80s. But, at the time it was a box office bomb. Over the years, though, it became a cult classic.

Anyway, the creature designs in the movie came from Stan Winston Studio. They were tasked with reimagining these classic monsters for a new audience in a different era and they did an awesome job! I’m a big fan of those creature designs!

Well, Stan Winston Studios released a video that fans of the movie have got to watch! It offers a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the monsters! It features early concept art, costume and makeup tests, and more! It’s pretty awesome to see the process that the creative team went through in bringing these creatures to life.

The video came with the following note:

The Monster Squad (1987), director Fred Dekker’s campy film about legendary movie monsters uniting to rule the world. The Monster Squad had inspired enthusiasm among Stan Winston’s crewmembers, offering as it did the opportunity to re-create such legendary characters as the Mummy, Wolfman, Dracula, Frankenstein’s monster, and a Gillman reminiscent of the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Now, enjoy the video!

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