THE NEW MUTANTS Director Josh Boone Hopes He Will Be Able to Complete His Planned Trilogy
We’ve known for some time that when Josh Boone set out to direct The New Mutants, he had a plan for a trilogy of films. Boone previously explained that each one of the movies would explore a different aspect of the horror movie genre:
“We brought it to FOX as a trilogy of films, really all based on that long run by Sienkiewicz, and kind of incorporates some stuff from later issues in the ‘80s. These are all going to be horror movies, and they'll all be their own distinct kind of horror movies. This is certainly the ‘rubber-reality’ supernatural horror movie. The next one will be a completely different kind of horror movie.
“Our take was just go examine the horror genre through comic book movies and make each one its own distinct sort of horror film. Drawing from the big events that we love in the comics.”
Well, the filmmaker hopes that he will still have the opportunity to finish what he started. During a recent interview with SFX Magazine (via CB), Boone explains that he hopes the release of The New Mutants will open the door to him being able to complete his planned trilogy.
"Ultimately, after all this time, I was able to make MY New Mutants film, and I'm am proud of it. What I'm hoping for now is that it will be successful enough so the studio will allow me to complete a trilogy. I've got it all planned out."
If the movie actually ends up being as great as I’ve heard it is, I would love for Boone to get to make his other two films. Only time will tell if that’s something that Disney and Marvel Studios would be up for.