The New POWER RANGER Zords Have Been Revealed and I Don't Know What's Going On — GeekTyrant

The New POWER RANGER Zords Have Been Revealed and I Don't Know What's Going On

Last week, we got our first look at the Megazord in the new Power Rangers movie that's coming out next year. The fans absolutely freaked out about it...and not in a good way. It looked absolutely ridiculous, and now we have our first look at the crazy new Zords that the Power Rangers will be piloting.

The images of the toys come from a review show on YouTube called MMPRToys, who got a review copy of each of the toys to show off. The host shows off the individual Zords he has, which so far only includes those for the Pink, Blue, Black, and Yellow Rangers.

Some of them look like the prehistoric animals that each ranger is supposed to represent, but some are just freakin' weird. Below you'll find the review video and screenshots of the Pink Ranger's Pterodactyl Zord, the Yellow Ranger’s Sabertooth Tiger Zord, the Blue Ranger’s Triceratops Zord (which has an interesting number of legs), and then finally the Black Ranger’s...Mastodon? I honestly couldn't tell you what it is. 

I have no idea how these things will combine to form the Megazord. Check them out below and let us know what you think.

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The Power Rangers cast includes Dacre Montgomery as Jason the Red Ranger, RJ Cyler as Billy the Blue Ranger, Naomi Scott as Kimberly the Pink Ranger, Becky G as Trini the Yellow Ranger, Ludi Lin as Zack the Black Ranger, Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa, Bryan Cranston as Zordon, and Bill Hader as the voice of Alpha 5.

Saban’s Power Rangers follows five ordinary high school kids who must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove – and the world – is on the verge of being obliterated by an alien threat. Chosen by destiny, our heroes quickly discover that they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so they will have to overcome their real-life issues and band together as the Power Rangers before it is too late.

The movie is being directed by Dean Israelite (Project Almanac), and it comes out on March 24, 2017.

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