The Op Announces SMASH UP: MARVEL with Details Coming Over the Weekend
Smash Up from AEG may very well be my favorite tabletop game (it’s at least in my top 3). Imagine my surprise when The Op revealed that we were getting a new Smash Up: Marvel. Sadly, we don’t know much about it other than Hydra will be one of the new factions, but more details will be revealed on August 1 in the video below. I am expecting there to be 8 new factions in this set since it does have a price tag of $34.99. My guess is that we’ll see factions like Hydra, The Avengers, X-Men, Brotherhood, and SHIELD, but I guess we’ll see.
I’m a little surprised by this because Smash Up factions thrive on being parodies of popular properties. We even already have a Superhero faction that parodies classic heroes. This is a big part of Smash Up’s charm in my opinion and having an official Marvel expansion goes in direct conflict of that charm. I’m not saying that I’m not excited about this new release, I’m just surprised and hoping that it is a good expansion. I also hope that it’s compatible with the other expansions and base game and not some weird spin-off. Could you imagine using Hydra and Kitty Cats? I have no idea how well that combination would work, but it sounds amusing.