The POWER RANGERS #5 Teases Outlaw Action and the Introduction of Astronema

Power Rangers #5 drops this week, and BOOM! Studios has released a preview for the issue. We see Jason and Zack go to the saloon on Onyx and get into a game of cards with an alien in search as the Omega Rangers need parts to repair the ship. Plus, the synopsis teases the arrival of a fan-favorite villain. I am so pumped for this! Power Rangers is written by Ryan Parrott and features art by Francesco Mortarino, colors by Raúl Angulo, and letters by Ed Dukeshire.

The Omega Rangers are attacked by the young assassin known as Astronema, one of the most popular characters in franchise history from Power Rangers: In Space! Meanwhile, Lord Drakkon and Trini face off against one of the greatest Power Rangers villains ever - with a shocking conclusion!

Fans will be able to read Power Rangers #5 on March 24 with a main cover by Matteo Scalera and variants by Daniele di Nicuolo and Peach Momoko. Physical copies of the comic will be available from local comic shops while digital copies will be available from comiXology (affiliate link), Google Play, iBooks, and Madefire.

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