THE PRICE IS WIGHT Adds Game Show Elements to a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS One-Shot
I love watching game shows for some reason and I like to think that I’m not the only one. So, for all of my fellow game show lovers, I’ve got a Dungeons & Dragons supplement for you to enjoy. The Price is Wight from Simon Hunter is an unofficial adventure that can easily be used as a one-shot for a couple hours of fun, or tied into a bigger campaign. The adventure has been optimized for 5 level 5 characters and sees players traversing a dungeon full of nods to game shows. This looks like quite a bit of fun.
Everyone loves an old-school TV game show! ... Even the Undead.
A small village has a problem, something has taken over the local cemetary and the noble in the area is worried. Enter our illustrious adventurers. But as they enter the crypt they notice something is slightly off and a little bit cheesy.
The PRICE is WIGHT is a one-shot adventure optimised for 5 Players, Level 5.
The village is set in a non specific location so the adventure can be inserted into any campaign or run as a one-shot.
You can purchase The Price is Wight from DMs Guild for $2.