THE RAID Director Gareth Evans Explains Nothing Came of His Conversations about Directing DEATHSTROKE
Last year we learned that the director of The Raid film, Gareth Evans, was in talks to direct the Deathstroke movie for DC Entertainment. Lots of fans were excited about this because Evans would have delivered one hell of a badass movie. Well, unfortunately, nothing came from those conversations that the director was having with people at the studio.
He was discussing the project with them, but then nothing happened. While talking to CB, the filmmaker explained:
"I had a phone call which I think was publicized a bit, about Deathstroke with DC. We talked about that before, we had a few conversations. One of the guys at DC and at Warner Brothers, one with Joe, who has been on the character for some time now, who is super passionate about that character, by the way. I've never met anyone who knows more about their character."
The filmmaker went on to say that he started researching the character and became fascinated with Slade Wilson’s origin story. He says that he likes to "figure out what the origin of a character is and what shapes them, what paints them as a personality."
Evans goes on to say that he hasn’t heard anything from anyone about the film project in awhile:
"Nothing really went beyond those conversations. I haven't heard anything for a really long time. To be honest, every time I see an article written I keep wanting to ask, 'Okay, what is it you guys know that I don't know?' Because I haven't heard anything for a good while yet. So I don't know if that will ever come back full circle at some point. But I know I haven't had any conversation about that project for a long time now."
Well, that's disappointing to hear. I guess the project is currently in limbo along with many of the other DC projects that were put on hold when leadership changes were made at Warner Bros.
Joe Manganiello made his be debut as Deathstroke in the post credits scene of Justice League. At this point, who knows if we are ever going to see the plans for this character play out. If they do, I imagine it won’t involve how things were set up for it in Justice League.