The Russo Bros. Discuss Their Favorite INFINITY WAR Scenes! What Were Your Favorite Scenes from the Film?

During an interview with EW, directors Joe and Anthony Russo opened up about a few different things regarding Avengers: Infinity War. In that interview, they discussed their favorite scenes in the film and revealed details on one of the scenes that they cut from it. 

When weighing in on their favorite moments, Joe said:

"Without giving anything away, there are a couple of hero entrances that are my favorite. I don’t want to say specifically what they are, but if you’ve seen the film, you know what I’m talking about. Those are things that again, just the child in me and the kid reading comics book, that I get excited about when I see them."

I'm pretty sure that one of those scenes is when Captain America shows up. Not sure what the other one might be but one of my favorites involved Thor showing up for the big battle. Anthony went on to reveal that his favorite involved Thanos and Gamora going off on their journey to get the Soul Stone.

"I would probably agree with you about that Gamora moment. I love her character in this film. Her relationship with Thanos is… You know, anytime you have a relationship that is between a hero and a villain where there is a personal relationship at stake, things just get so much more interesting and so much more complex."

It was so sad to see Thanos have to make the sacrifice that he had to make to get the stone. They go on to reveal details on a scene they ultimately ended up cutting from the film, which involved the Guardians of the Galaxy. Joe Said:

"I think there’s one really funny Guardians scene that didn’t make the cut. Everything else was just sort of little loose ends here and there.”

He went on to say that this was “more of a straight-up comedic scene,” then Anthony adds:

"It’s a scene where they’re sort of stuck. There’s a point in the movie where they’re stuck without knowing what to do. And it was just this absurd scene of the Guardians not knowing where to go. And it was really fun and it was very endearing to us. But because the movie is so big and so propulsive, it just wasn’t quite pushing us where we needed to go."

If you are hoping to see that scene one day, you will! The directors confirmed that it will be on the DVD/Blu-ray. It'll be interesting to see what other deleted scenes end up on the home entertainment release of the film.

What were your favorite scenes from Avengers: Infinity War?

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