The Screen Time For Several of the Characters in AVENGERS: ENDGAME

For those of you wondering how much screen time many of the characters in Avengers: Endgame got, we’ve got a breakdown here for you to check out.

The characters listed here are all the main ones that appeared on the poster for the film. There are several characters that aren’t included. Mostly the ones that didn’t show up until the very end of the movie.

It's interesting to see how much screen time these characters got. While we are watching the movie it seems like they have more time on the screen than what it actually is.

Okoye - 6 Minutes

Wong - 6 Minutes

Valkyrie - 8 Minutes

Captain Marvel - 15 Minutes

Black Widow - 33 Minutes

War Machine - 35 Minutes

Rocket - 36 Minutes

Hawkeye - 37 Minutes

Ant-Man - 38 Minutes

The Hulk - 40 Minutes

Nebula - 41 Minutes

Thor - 45 Minutes

Iron Man - 1 Hour, 2 Minutes

Captain America - 1 Hour, 6 Minutes

Here’s a little poster that was shared by Mail Online. Check it out and let us know what your thoughts are on the screen time of each of the characters listed. Would you have liked to see more of a certain character?

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