The Script for X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX Was Being Rewritten on a Daily Basis During Production
Well, there’s a good reason why X-Men: Dark Phoenix is one of the worst X-Men films that has been made. Writer and director Simon Kinberg was rewriting the script on a daily basis during production. No wonder the movie needed extensive reshoots!
I went out and saw the movie last night, and it was laughably bad. I was really hoping that this movie would be better than expected, but it wasn’t. It just amazes me that they still couldn’t get this Dark Phoenix story arc right! The writing on the movie was pretty terrible, and you can tell that they were writing the script as they were shooting the film.
The actors did they best they could with the material, but it still didn’t work. During an interview with ScreenRant, Sophie Turner revealed:
"Simon and I would sit down for two hours every day and just comb through each page of the script. There was rewriting being done all the time."
Turner has no experience writing movies, so I don’t understand why she would even be involved with changing the script. Jessica Chastain went on to say that after they would have conversations like this, Kinberg would make the changes discussed.
"You could have a conversation and something comes from that and then the next morning, Simon would show up to work and say, 'hey, I wrote some pages that I think could be interesting for this direction we’re going.'"
That doesn’t sounds like the best or most efficient way to handle a big budget movie. No wonder the movie ended up the way that it did! For some reason Kinsberg wanted to include the actors in the writing and decision-making process, and it just didn’t work and the film was all over the place. How did this creative team not learn from the mistakes that have been made in the past?!
I just don’t understand why they couldn’t have a solid and great script ready to go before shooting the film and then stick with that script! They even had the awesome source material to work with! How do you mess that up… again!
It’s so frustrating. Dark Phoenix is such a great story arc. Unfortunately, the studio just never hired the right talent to properly bring that story to life on the big screen. It’s a shame.
Oh well, it’s over now. The next time we see the X-Men on the big screen it will be under the Marvel Studios banner, and I’m looking forward to that day.