THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION Gets The Honest Trailer Treatment

The Shawshank Redemption is one of my all-time favorite films. In my opinion the movie is flawless. But, when it was first released, it completely bombed at the box office. The movie came out when films like Speed and Forrest Gump were blowing up in theaters.

What’s funny is all these years later the film is praised by almost everyone who has seen it and it tops the list of IMDb’s top 250 best movie list.

Regardless of the film’s greatness, the team at Honest Trailers tactfully has some fun making jokes at its expense. The film is “a masterpiece that gave dudes everywhere permission to cry their eyes out and lets every tough guy pretend they’d do time with a quiet dignity of Andy Dufresne. When in reality, they’d be the first fish to crack.”

Enjoy the Honest Trailer for The Shawshank Redemption.

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