The TERMINATOR GENISYS Sequel Would Have Focused on John Connor's Journey To Becoming a Cyborg
Had Terminator Genisys actually been a success, we would have seen a sequel. But, it wasn't and now that James Cameron has the rights back, he's teamed up with Deadpool director Tim Miller to develop a direct sequel to Terminator 2.
But, if Paramount Pictures had moved forward on a sequel to Terminator Genisys, there was a story in place and it's actually kind of interesting. The story would have focused on John Connor and what happened to him after he was taken by Skynet. During an interview with Collider, actor Jason Clarke was asked about the sequel and this is what he revealed:
"They had an idea. What I remember was that second one was going to be about John’s journey after he was taken by Skynet…like going down to what he became; half machine, half man. That’s where the second one was going to start, and that’s about all I knew."
So the sequel would have followed John Conner's journey of being turned into the T-3000 cyborg. I'm sure you all remember that aspect of the story in Genisys. Would you have liked to see this aspect of the story explored? Or are you just happy that the studio decided to ditch the idea?