The Villain Pub Tries to Come Up with a New Look for Voldemort

We usually keep a better eye on the videos the team at How It Should Have Ended puts out, but the newest Villain Pub video slipped by us somehow. Released last week, “To The Tailor” features Loki, Voldemort, and the Joker comparing costumes. When they decide they need to come up with a new look for the Dark Lord, other bad guys chime in to offer their suggestions.

If you stay past the subscribe screen you’ll get a teaser for the next HISHE, so be sure to stay for that. Thanks to FashionablyGeek.

Sometimes you wanna go, where everybody hates your face! And they want to rule the human raaaaaace! (theme song pending) Time for more Villain Pub! In Episode 2, Loki, Voldemort, and the Joker discuss the importance of every villains "look". Get some HISHE Gear over at: Thanks for Watching!

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