THE WITCHER Fans Launch a Petition to Replace the Writers and Bring Henry Cavill Back

Pretty much every fan of The Witcher series is disappointed that Henry Cavill left the series and was replaced by Liam Hemsworth, who will step into the role of Geralt. Of course, fans are going to be upset! Cavill is what made the show, and he was so passionate about the character and the story! He’s the perfect Geralt, but that passion for the source material is what led to his exit because the creative team wanted to take things in a different direction. It’s a shame.

It’s been reported that Cavill was thinking about leaving the show after Season 2 due to butting heads with the producers in regard to the show's content and Geralt's role. Cavill expressed his frustrations about this during the press tour for the second season saying, "The toughest part for me was finding that balance between the showrunners' vision and my love for the books.”

Fans have now launched a petition on that’s nearing 200,000 signatures that is asking for the writers and showrunner of the show to be replaced with talent that will stay true to the source material and get Cavill back in the role. The Petition reads:

Andrzej Sapkowski himself said about Henry Cavill: “I was more than happy with Henry Cavill's appearance as The Witcher, he's a real professional. Just as Viggo Mortensen gave his face to Aragorn, so Henry gave his to Geralt and it shall be forever so.”

Henry isn’t leaving The Witcher because of Superman, Netflix executives have once again made a grave decision against delivering for their fans. The reason why The Witcher is such a popular show is the fans’ love of the source material of books and games, that are hated by and have actively been mocked by the writers and showrunner. Henry Cavill is one of those big fans, he knows all of it inside out and wanted to stay true to Sapkowski’s world, which is why Netflix wants to replace him.

Let us show them in pure numbers (and thus lost money, because that’s all they really care about) that none of us Witcher fans will stand with them and will abandon the show (and potentially our subscriptions) after The Witcher season 3 is concluded. Netflix can only exist because all of us pay them monthly to produce content that is entertaining for us, unfortunately all public information points towards a production team making decisions that are completely opposite to the fans’ - our - interests.

We already had to suffer through the disaster that was the end of Game of Thrones - NETFLIX don’t repeat the exact same mistake of holding onto writers and showrunners that believe themselves to be superior to the actual creator of the stories that made them successful.

It is pretty crazy that Netflix actually sided with the creative team over Cavill when Cavill is the most marketable thing about the series! That was such a bad business move. I have a feeling they’ll pay for it. I mean, I have no interest in watching the show without Cavill, and there are a lot of fans that feel the same way!

I know that Netflix isn’t going to make any changes based on a fan petition, but they’ll realize what they’ve done when the ratings for the series drop dramatically when Season 4 premieres.

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