The Writer of POINT BREAK Has Written a Sequel Series About Johnny Utah's Daughter

Point Break is one of the greatest action movies ever. Keanu Reeves plays FBI Agent Johnny Utah, who goes undercover with a bank-robbing group of surfers, led by Bodhi, played by the late, great Patrick Swayze, who take him under their wing and show him the life of chasing waves and chasing the highs of bank robbery. The movie is classic, and its writer, W. Peter Iliff, would like to take it a step further.

In a recent interview with the Script Apart podcast (via /Film), Iliff revealed that he has written a Point Break TV show that revolves around the daughter of Reeves’ Johnny Utah.

Iliff explains that he's written a about Utah's daughter, an Olympic snowboarder who blows out her knee and goes down a path of extremes involving fast cars, painkillers, and addiction. Years later, she's sober and joins the FBI. He goes on to say:

"Johnny Utah has been missing. His body's not been found. He's [been reported] dead for years. There's a mystery around where he is, and you're going to find out – he's not dead. There's a bigger story that evolves around that, while she gets involved in this eco-terrorist movement, which of course is now a big thing. There are two sides to the movement. There are those who are trying to get corporations to do the right thing to save our planet. And there are those who'll put a gun in their hand and maybe rob a bank to fund their more violent approach. The FBI is after these people. She's sent to go deep undercover with this group and it's the same [question as in 'Point Break']: which side of the badge are you on?"

The writer also explained that this movie's equivalent of Patrick Swayze's Bodhi is a solo mountain climber named Cyprus. While Iliff has the series all planned out, he says the biggest road block is not only the widely panned remake that was made in 2015, but also the fact that his best chance in getting it made is to have Keanu Reeves attached to the project, if only to produce. But he knows that Reeves is one of the busiest actors in Hollywood, so he feels his only other option may be to repurpose the story. He explains:

"They made an offer to Keanu to executive produce this television series – not to star in it, just to executive produce. But Keanu's busy. He's just done 'Matrix 4,' he's doing 'John Wick 4' and '5' back-to-back ... he's a busy man, so we can't get his commitment, so I can't get Alcon [Entertainment] to do this. So I might have to retitle it something else. The title I have is 'The Wild Side.' I'd rename the characters, but in our hearts, we'd know it's the continuation of the 'Point Break' story."

This sounds like a series you might see get made, but it would have to be really well done to have a fighting chance these days. What do you think? Would you like to see the Point Break sequel series?

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