We Lost a Character in Battle in STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER That Should Get Some Recognition

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was the end of the line for the Skywalker saga. We finished the journey with all the characters who had been along for the ride and survived to that point, and we lost a few within that final journey. But there is one character who participated in the final battle, and gave his life for the cause, who got no recognition.

Back in Return of the Jedi, we met an alien named Nien Nunb, co-pilot of Lando on the Millennium Falcon. He came back to appear in the final trilogy, but his story came to an unfortunate end in the final film. According to the book The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition, Nien Nunb met his end in the battle of Exegol. Nunb’s new ship, the Tantive IV fell from the sky when Palpatine threw his force lightning into the sky, and the beloved alien and his co-pilot, Urcos Furdam, were unable to regain control of the ship, and it exploded.

The author of the book said this is visible in the film, so it’s something to watch out for in a future viewing. But for now, we will take the opportunity to say rest well, Nien Nunb, and thank you for your service.

source: CBM

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