There's a Fun ALIEN Franchise Easter Egg in the FIREFLY Series

Did you know that there's a fun little hidden connection between Joss Whedon's beloved sci-fi space Western, Firefly, and the iconic sci-fi horror franchise Alien? I didn’t realize it until it was pointed out to me recently! So, maybe some of you might have missed this as well. If you already did know this, thanks for clicking through to read all about it again!

The Easter egg can be found in the pilot episode of Firefly, which is where we catch a glimpse of the infamous Weyland-Yutani Corporation logo on a heads-up display during the Battle of Serenity Valley.

The Weyland-Yutani Corporation is a fictional conglomerate in the Alien franchise. It is portrayed as an evil corporation that prioritizes profits over human life and will stop at nothing to obtain Xenomorph specimens for use as bioweapons. The corporation appears in various forms throughout the franchise.

It’s kinda cool to see that there’s a little connection between the two sci-fi universes. But the connection doesn't end there. Joss Whedon, the creator of Firefly, also co-wrote the script for Alien: Resurrection… a film that didn’t end up being very good.

It's always cool to discover hidden connections between some of our favorite franchises, and the Easter egg linking Firefly and Alien is no exception. While the connection between these two universes may be small, it's still fascinating to see that the Weyland-Yutani Corporation is a part of both universes.

Via: /Film

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