There's a TV Series Rumored to be Coming That's Set in the ALIEN Universe

TV AlienFox by Joey Paur

It looks like the Alien franchise may not have died with Ridley Scott's Alien: Covenant. According to OmegaUnderground, FOX is considering developing an Alien TV series. According to the report, an announcement could come "soon." I imagine if some kind of announcement does happen, it would come at Comic-Con later this month.

It's also said that the series will unlikely be film related. They say that Scott's third film in the prequel series he started, Alien: Awakening, is seemingly on definite hold and as we've previously heard, Neill Blomkamp‘s Alien 5 is essentially dead.

There are no details on what the series would entail, but with the 40th Anniversary of the Alien franchise coming next year, it seems like that might be a good time to do something cool with the franchise. If anything is happening, it's probably still very early in development. One thing that the report mentions is that "the xenomorphs unlikely would be the main focus and would be just set within that world."

Personally, I've always been a fan of the Colonial Marines from James Cameron's Aliens. I've always wanted to see a movie focused on them, but I would be so freakin' excited if we got a Colonial Marines series! That's would I would like to see!

What would you want to see from an Alien series?

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