There's No End in Sight For THE WALKING DEAD

Just in case you're wondering when The Walking Dead series on AMC is going to come to an end, it seems like there's no end in sight at the moment. This thing could potentially go on forever, as long as there's an audience. 

During an interview with Vulture, president of original programming and development at AMC, Joel Stillerman, and president of the network, Charlie Collier, talked about the series and made statements about the show's seemingly never-ending future. Stillerman said:

"The answer to how long the show will go on in some way is directly correlated with the health of the storytelling in the comics. Those comics are firing on all cylinders. [Robert Kirkman] still writes every line of dialogue in those books, and is as engaged as he was when I think he was sitting around in Kentucky writing the first issue. That is very much part of the DNA of the show. He sort of felt like, in real life, this goes on for a very long time. We’re along for that ride."

So I guess as long as Kirkman keeps pumping out comic books telling the story of the survivors of the zombie apocalypse, the show will go on! Collier adds that there really hasn't been any kind of talk or thoughts about ending the series anytime soon:

"I will tell you we are not actively talking about the end of ‘The Walking Dead.’ We’re talking about how to keep this No. 1 show on television feeling as fresh as it does in season six. As a brand, we’re very sensitive to making sure that every aspect of it feels fresh and original, and that it’s not treated in any way that’s derivative or taken for granted. Our planning is current and future-focused, and it is not focused on the end at this time."

That's pretty awesome to know. I've really enjoyed this series and for me, it seems to get better and better with every new season. If they are able to keep up this trend of zombie apocalypse awesomeness, I'll be sticking around to watch.

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