These Movie Fight Supercut Videos Might Make You Want to Fight People

VideosMovie Supercut by Joey Paur

I’ve come across a great series of supercuts that were created by YouTuber Robert Jones. There are three videos and each one focuses on some of the most badass fight scenes that we’ve seen in the movies. I love it when there’s a great inventive fight scene in a movie. There are so many great ones out there, it’s really hard to choose a favorite. You can watch a ton of awesome fight scenes below, though! But be careful, because watching these videos may make you want to punch someone. If you do have an all-time favorite fight sequence, share it in the comment section below! 

My third installment features 86 movie fight scenes. I wanted to focus on films that have come out since part 2 (summer 2015) and also included some classic martial arts films that haven't been used previously. How many movies can you name? Links to the first two videos below.

A music video tribute to 82 movie fight scenes set to "Smack my bitch up" by The Prodigy.

I'm working on Part 3 right now and it should be up soon! Song: Motley Crue "Kickstart My Heart" Song purchase link below(show more):

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