This Amazing Fan-Made VOLTRON LEGO Set Will Become a Reality!

Toy VoltronLEGO by Joey Paur

LEGO builder Leandro a.k.a. len_d69 submitted this fan-made Voltron: Defender of the Universe LEGO set to LEGO Ideas and it got the 10,000 votes it needed to pushed into actual development! What's so awesome about this, is that each individual LEGO built lion combines to form the giant robot Voltron! 

I'm just surprised that LEGO had never done this before! They needed a fan to come in design it and push it through. I don't buy a lot of LEGO playsets but this is one that I'd definitly consider dropping some cash on. Here's a description of the set from the creator:

This is one of the popular super robots in the 80's. Based on the Japanese Anime "Beast King GoLion", it is made up of 5 robotic lions that combines to form Voltron.
A childhood favorite, I tried to recreate Voltron as faithfully as I could in both lion and combined form. Adding in details to make it look as close as possible to its Anime version.
There are basically five separate lions in the set, each having their own unique articulation. They can be played with individually or as one big robot.
1) Black Lion - Forms the head and the body
2) Red and Green Lions - Form the arms
3) Blue and Yellow Lions - Form the legs
When combined, they form Voltron which stands around 16 inches in height and weighs close to 1kg
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