This D&D Adventure Anthology Aims to Subvert Tropes Surrounding Female Mythical Creatures

Uncaged: Volume I is a new fan-made supplement for Dungeons & Dragons that features 25 adventures. Each adventure is designed to subvert tropes that surround female mythological monsters and creatures such as medusas, harpies, hags, and more. What’s more, in addition to the digital PDF you can get for $14.95 on DMs Guild, the team that put Uncaged together are releasing a hardcover edition as well. If you purchase the digital copy, you’ll get printer-friendly maps and modules, a foreword by Relics and RaritiesJasmine Bhullar, and a discount for the physical copy.

If you enjoy Volume I, you can pick up Volume II in April, Volume III in May, and Volume IV in June.

Here’s the full list of contributors for Volume I.

  • Alicia Furness

  • Alison Huang

  • Annabeth Lennon

  • Asa Wheatley

  • Awkward Bard

  • Bianca Bickford

  • Catherine Evans

  • Dierdre Donlon

  • Elise Cretel

  • Emily Smith

  • FlourescentWolf

  • Gwen Bassett

  • Hla Rosa

  • Jen Vaughn

  • Jessica L. Washburn

  • Jessica Marcrum

  • Jessica Ross

  • Johanna Taylor

  • Judy Black

  • Johanna Taylor

  • Kat Kruger

  • Kayla Cline

  • Kelly Dayton

  • Kristina Sisto Kindel

  • Liz Gist

  • Luciella Elisabeth Scarlett

  • Lynne M. Meyer

  • Lysa Chen

  • Ma'at Crook

  • Maryska Connolly

  • Masha Lepire

  • Mellanie Black

  • Natalie Wallace

  • Sammy Ward

  • Samantha Darcy

  • Wouter Florusse

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