This is the Most Accurate Han Solo Blaster Replica Ever Made

Everyone wishes they were Han Solo. EVERYONE. I don't care who you are. Even Luke wishes he were Han Solo. Even though you can't be Han Solo, you CAN carry a gun that looks and feels like his. This blaster made by Todd Coyle is so scarily accurate that you can't even imagine. 

Todd spent almost 2 years researching the exact prop used on set, then acquiring and reproducing the same pieces that were used to create the original. In an interview with io9 he told them:

"We wanted to make the most thorough replica that we could possibly make. If it could be reproduced, we wanted to reproduce it. our interest leans more toward reproducing the actual prop as closely as possible, and less towards 'enhancements' like lights, sounds, shooting airsoft pellets, etc. that take it in the direction of an expensive toy."

The piece costs around 500 dollars and consists of 77 parts, 59 of which were custom made just for the purpose of making the gun. That is remarkable. And to make matters even more amazing, it comes in two versions. The new version and the battle worn version, which was made to look even more like the prop in the film. Using footage of the original, they found out where to distress the gun.

I don't think I've spent that much time and effort on anything in my life. Dedication like that is amazing. You can read more about the gun and check out different angles below.

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