This Kickstarter Features Customizable Miniatures That Can Talk (Sort of)

Moragami has launched a new Kickstarter campaign to bring you the perfect miniatures for your games. Backers of the Kickstarter will be able to create custom miniatures that are then 3D-printed in full color. If you prefer painting your own minis, there’s an option to get them printed in white so you can get all the fun of painting. In addition, there are options to let you design voxel miniatures that give them a retro 8-bit look.

The thing that really sets these miniatures apart from the rest is the fact that each one will feature an NFC tag that lets you save character stats as well as audio that can then be played using your phone. It’s a pretty awesome idea.

The campaign is hoping to raise $1,000 with rewards starting at $40. What are your thoughts on these miniatures?

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