This May Be The Best Homemade Tauntaun Costume in The Galaxy

Looking for a great Halloween costume idea? Let this little boy be your inspiration, because his kick-ass tauntaun costume is one of the best Star Wars-related costumes I've seen in a long time. LaughingSquid points us to the Instagram account of artist Clint Case, who spent four months creating this awesome costume for his son for Halloween. It looks just like Luke Skywalker riding a tauntaun from the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back!

Nearly done. Now on to the fur. #halloween #costume #tauntaun #starwars #handmade #bitoffmorethanicanchew

A photo posted by Clint Case (@case_leatherwork) on

The best part is you can see it in action in the video below, and it looks great! If I had the time and energy to create my own Halloween costume, this would be a terrific choice.

Completely handmade costume.

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