This Robot Works Out So Hard It Breaks A Literal Sweat

As robots continue to get more and more advanced, they're becoming more and more human. In fact, the University of Tokyo’s Johou Systems Kougaku laboratory's robot Kengoro is becoming so human that he actually sweats to cool down! In an attempt to make robots less bulky with built-in cooling systems, these Japanese researchers are instead inserting a cup of water into this robot which allows it to sweat and keep from overheating for about 12 hours. 

Of course, extended activity will make that water evaporate quicker, but even so Kengoro can do pushups for 11 minutes straight without needing a refill! That may not sound impressive, but if you think you can do the same go ahead and drop down and see how long you'll last doing continuous pushups. 

Kengoro can do a lot of other things with his human frame, and you'll get a full showcase of what he can do in this sweet montage found below. Thanks to Gizmodo for the heads up: 

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