This Steampunk IRON MAN Art Comes with a Grim Backstory

Art SteampunkIron Man by Joey Paur

I have another piece of steampunk Iron Man art for you to check out today. They just seem to keep rolling in. This illustration comes from concept artist Anthony Jones, and this one sticks out above the rest because it comes along with the following tragic backstory.

After donating his heart to save his only son Jarvis, Jarvis devoted his life to engineering to bring his father back to life. Picking up his father's work, he found an alternative power source that could bring him back. Preserving his body in a deep freeze incubator, Jarvis spent 10 years of his young adult life to engineer a mechanized suit using the power of steam to breathe life to his father.
Introducing Gentlemen Stark.

Via: io9

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