This Subtle Sound Effect Has Replaced INCEPTION's "BRAHM" as the Go-To Effect for Movie Trailers
It seemed like Hollywood took one lesson from the success of Inception back in 2010: not that original science fiction films with stellar casts from auteur directors were worth pursuing, but that the "brahhhhhm" noise in the movie's trailer apparently needed to be added to every damn trailer that's come out in the past five years. Eventually it got so played out that I stopped noticing it altogether...what was once added impact to a trailer shot became nothing more than white noise.
Now there's a new contender for, as io9 calls it, "the latest annoying sound showing up in every dang movie trailer." At this stage, though, it isn't quite as annoying as an overt "brahm" because it's much more subtle: it's a bass note that sounds like "<<<bwoooruuuummmmm>>>" that drops before what's supposed to be an epic moment on screen. You may not know what I'm talking about just from that description, but when you watch this supercut from CinemaRaven, you'll realize you've heard it a ton of times already — and I bet you won't be able to hear it again without thinking of this.