This Turkey Dinner Candy Corn Must've Been Inspired By Willy Wonka's 3-Course Dinner Gum


Remember the three-course meal gum that was introduced by Willy Wonka in Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory movie? Well, it looks like that served as the inspiration for Brach’s new Candy Corn flavor called “Turkey Dinner”.

The new Candy Corn features three flavors and those flavors include Turkey Dinner, Apple Pie, and Coffee Candy Corn. They also apparently worked in flavors such as green beans, cranberry sauce, and stuffing.

I assume that each piece of Candy Corn candy will be a different flavor. I just don’t see how they could all of these flavors in a single piece of Candy Corn, and still taste good. But, who knows, we’ll have to wait and see.

They are available at Walgreens and I think I might have to try it just to see, because I’m curious.

Source: Technabob

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