This Video Tells Us The Story of How Nintendo's GAME BOY Came To Exist

VideosGames Game Boy by Joey Paur

When I was 11 or 12 years old my parents got me a Game Boy for Christmas and at the time it was the greatest thing ever! I loved that thing and I played it all the time. I never really knew the story of how the hand held Nintendo gaming system came to be. But, thanks to this new video from LORE, I now know the story, and you will too if you decided to watch it! It’s actually a pretty interesting story.

“Legend has it Nintendo engineer Gunpei Yokoi was taking a train to work one day when he noticed a businessman passing the time by pressing keys on his calculator. From this incident, Yokoi was inspired to create the Game and Watch series.”

Check out the full video below, and if you want, feel free to share your Game Boy memories.

Octopimp's got the origin story of the legendary Game Boy! Subscribe to LORE: Follow Lore on Twitter @LoreInAMinute Animated by Nerogeist: Voiced by Octopimp: Transcript: Legend has it Nintendo engineer Gunpei Yokoi was taking a train to work one day when he noticed a businessman passing the time by pressing keys on his calculator.

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