THOR: RAGNAROK Confirmed to Include PLANET HULK's Sakaar
Fan Art by George Evangelista
We've known for quite some time already that Thor: Ragnarok would incorporate elements of Planet Hulk. We just didn't really know which elements those would be outside of the gladiatorial games that will be featured in the film.
Well, thanks to director Taika Waititi, we now know that Sakaar will also be included in the film. For those of you not familiar with that name, it's the planet that Hulk finds himself on in the Planet Hulk comic book storyline. Talking about the planet in Thor: Ragnarok, Waititi said:
“Sakaar was just an insane, far-off, futuristic place which was the biggest shift for the film and these characters."
I have a feeling a majority of the story is going to take place on Sakaar and that this is going to be the closest thing we get to seeing a Planet Hulk movie. Here's a more detailed description of Sakaar, thanks to Marvel:
The desolate planet Sakaar is located near a wormhole, in the Tayo Star System, of the Fornax Galaxy. Many very powerful beings have found refuge on Sakaar. The planet is also home to various robotic and android beings of unknown origin; it is presumed that the technology as well as the inhabitants of Sakaar came to reside on the planet via the wormhole. Sakaar has been in a constant state of war by the barbaric refugees that called the planet home. The planet was ruled by the very powerful Red King, before he was overthrown by the Hulk and the Warbound warriors.
I'm sure that wormhole will be included in the movie, and that's how the Hulk and Thor will eventually end up there. The film has been described as a crazy retro story that's like an intergalactic road trip. It's also been said that this will be the biggest and most different Marvel movie to date. I can't wait to see this thing!
To see some of the first promo art for the film click here, and for some of the other details on the film and what we will see from it, make sure to click here. Thor: Ragnarok arrives in theaters November 3rd, 2017. The movie stars Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Cate Blanchett, Jeff Goldblum, Tessa Thompson, Karl Urban, and Sam Neill.