THOR: RAGNAROK Image Reveals Small Scale Model of the Planet Sakaar

Planets that have been introduced in the MCU have been pretty diverse, and there's a new planet that is going to be introduced in Thor: Ragnarok. As we know, Thor is captured on a strange planet called Sakaar in the new film, and now we know what this planet will look like. Most of what we've seen from the planet has been from the trailer for the film and where we get a look at the Colosseum and some of what looks like a wasteland, but besides that, we haven't had a good idea of the planet or the city, until now. The fine people at Marvel have recently revealed a small scale model of the planet Sakaar.

It definitely has a completely different look than any planet we've seen so far in the MCU. It looks like a city that just builds upon itself. We can see the Colosseum in the image and a huge tower in the center that is probably where the Grandmaster lives. The most remarkable thing about this planet is how rusted and broken it looks. It looks like a planet built with cardboard boxes and rusty car parts soaked in blood. It gives the planet a certain edge that I think could add a lot to the film. Check it out below.

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