Thrillingly Intense Trailer for THE MOUNTAIN BETWEEN US with Idris Elba and Kate Winslet

I think this first trailer for The Mountain Between Us is brutally intense because everything that happens to poor Kate Winslet and Idris Elba in it is seriously my worst nightmare. On top of that, the trailer leaves you with a crazy cliffhanger! Here's the plot summary:

Stranded after a tragic plane crash, two strangers must forge a connection to survive the extreme elements of a remote snow covered mountain. When they realize help is not coming, they embark on a perilous journey across hundreds of miles of wilderness, pushing one another to endure and discovering strength they never knew possible.

I don't know how I would handle that situation. One thing is for sure and that's that I'd be scared shitless! I'd like to think I could get it together to survive, but I honestly just don't know how I would react. The film was directed by Hany Abu-Assad (Omar, Paradise Now) and this is what he had to say about the theme of the film in an interview with USA Today:

“I think optimism and hope is crucial to survive. And to go on with your life even if you’ve had a lot of bad luck. So if you give (in) to the bad luck, you will die. (But) if you fight the bad luck, you have a better chance to survive and make your life better. This is very simple wisdom, yes? But still very crucial especially in these kind of days, when everybody feels entitled to their good luck.”

I can totally relate to that with many of the experiences in my own life. It's hard to stay optimistic when certain things around you in life start to crash and burn. The Mountain Between Us is set to open on October 20, 2017. Watch the trailer and let us know what you think!

Stranded after a tragic plane crash, two strangers must forge a connection to survive the extreme elements of a remote snow covered mountain. When they realize help is not coming, they embark on a perilous journey across hundreds of miles of wilderness, pushing one another to endure and discovering strength they never knew possible.

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