Todd McFarlane Brings SPAWN and SPIDER-MAN Together For The First Time in Comic Art
When I saw Todd McFarlane’s Spider-Man for the first time as a teenager in the 90s, I was completely blown away. Marvel’s Spider-Man had never looked so badass! I had never seen a style of art like that before and with McFarlane came a huge shift in comic book art styles.
After leaving Marvel, McFarlane launched Image Comics with some of his artists friends and with that came a new kind of dark anti-hero… Spawn. It’s been 27 years since McFarlane drew Spider-Man professionally, and now for the first time ever, Spawn and Spider-Man come together for the first time in a professional manner.
This is now for a crossover comic series, unfortunately, but this is the cover that McFarlane designed for the Overstreet Price Guide, which is the industry-standard pricing manual for comic book fans and retailers. This was the opportunity he needed to finally bring these two characters together.
Fans of McFarlane have been wanting to see Spawn and Spider-Man together for years, and while it’s not the way we would have hoped, and least this awesome piece of art exists now.