Todd McFarlane Explains The Big Way Jaimie Foxx Will Help Him with SPAWN

Jamie Foxx was recently cast in the title role of Todd McFarlane's upcoming reboot of Spawn. Not only will Foxx star in the film, though, he is also going to play a big role in helping McFarlane make his movie. During an interview with CB, McFarlane talks about utilizing the knowledge that Foxx could lend to the production, saying:

"I'd be a fool as a first time director not to listen to the pros in the start. Why would I go, 'No, no, no, no, no. I know better than you.' I've already had those conversations with him."

He goes on to explain how this whole film production is going to be a very collaborative process:

"He's got a lot of thoughts on what he wants to do and how to do it. He's also very kind to go, 'At the end of the day, Todd, it's still your movie.' It's like I'm gonna be picking his brain as much as possible, and whoever else I get on the set. Not only just the actors, but also the editors and my cinematographer and everybody. Look, I'm gonna be arguably the most naïve, dumb guy on the set every day. So, as somebody who's been a CEO for decades now, the way to sort of make things work is just surround yourself with good people and give them ownership and give them input into the project. I mean, somebody, at the end of the day, has to make the final call. That's my position."

McFarlane also talks about how he knows exactly what he wants when it comes to certain emotional elements of the film, saying:

"What I will be married to is what the scene or the emotion of the scene is supposed to convey. So, if I can keep that emotion, and you tell me that we have to shoot that outdoors or indoors, that's sorta secondary to me. I'm going, 'Cool, as long as I can get what I want. As long as I can get the emotion, I can get the beat, if you're saying that we can shoot this faster by doing it as an exterior shot, and we can do it in five hours instead of doing it inside for ten hours, I don't care.'"

As long as he gets the core emotion and tone of the film down, he'll be good with how it comes together. In regards to that, he adds:

"We're not going to leave all this to chance once we start shooting. I think if they said, 'You've got to shoot it all on a sunny beach,' I think I could still get it to have the same impact to some degree of going, 'Okay, here is the emotional backs of all these characters. So, will journey be a big part of that? Of course it will. Of course you are.'"

When discussing the type of things that he would fight for to put in the movie, he said:

"I don't think there's gonna be anybody that is gonna be looking at the change of that I made, going, 'That changed the movie. Oh my God. You know what? Todd originally had that guy going up two seconds there, but because Todd decided they could walk it once better there. Who's making the decision ultimately as to the way it gets done? I am, right? So I go, 'Guys, the only time I'm gonna fight is when it's something that I think matters to the person who gave us the ten dollars for the movie'. A good scene actually does matter to be visually like, there. Because I think this scene will be one of the movies they're talking about."

I'm looking forward to seeing how this new Spawn movie turns out. I'm excited about the movie. I like what McFarlane has said about it and what he's planning and I hope that he is able to pull it off and give us something amazing. 

Spawn only has a budget of $10 million dollars. It's set to start shooting in August and will be released sometime in 2019.

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