Todd McFarlane Plans on Pitching a SPAWN and VENOM Crossover Movie To Sony

Art By texas0418

While Todd McFarlane is getting ready to direct his first feature film Spawn, he's already thinking about the future of the character and the wild possibilities that he's dreaming up for other films. 

During a recent interview with Comic Book Resources, McFarlane, who co-created Venom, is getting excited about a crossover movie featuring Spawn and Venom. He's so excited that he's already planning on pitching the film to Sony Pictures if they end up distributing his Spawn movie. He says:

"Here’s a big 'What If.' What if Sony distributes Spawn? Then is it possible that in the future Sony could have a crossover with Venom and Spawn? It’s possible. So, I will be presenting that possibility to the Sony executives when we get ready.

My conversation with them would be, why wouldn’t you? Here’s what I know. Let’s say Venom is huge — I hope it is — then no matter who distributes Spawn, the first thing you will see in every trailer will be, 'From the co-creator of Venom.' So, then my question to Sony is, why would you let one of your competitors use that line, given that it was your effort that made Venom work? Your money that made Venom work? Your marketing that made Venom work? I think it’s worth asking, then, what happens if they both work? And then what happens ten years down the line, when they want to do a Spawn/Venom crossover and they get the guy who helped create both those characters to direct it? Might be kind of cool."

I guess nothing is impossible. After all, McFarlane managed to work his way into the director's chair of Spawn having never directed a film in his life. The guy pushed through everything, wrote his Spawn script and got what he wanted. I know this crossover seems like it's a crazy idea that would never happen, but McFarlane is crazy enough to put in the work, willpower, and perseverance to try and pull it off, just like he did his upcoming Spawn film.

Would you want to see a Spawn and Venom crossover film?

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