Todd McFarlane Reveals Twitch is the Main Character of His SPAWN Film and He Compares it to JAWS

After years and years of talk and teasing, Todd McFarlane officially announced at Comic-Con that his Spawn movie was actually happening! The movie is set up at Blumhouse and he is attached to direct it. 

After the big announcement, McFarlane sat down with Comic Book to talk about the project. He teased some Oscar winning actor that are interested in jumping on board the project and he went on to explain how his movie will be like Steven Spielberg's Jaws. When talking about the actors he said:

"Yeah a couple approached me. Those are still on the table, and I just recently signed with CAA, the largest and biggest talent agency in Hollywood, so they've got lots of talent that they will sort of start pushing and funneling towards it if they think that the roles are there."

It was previously rumored that one of those actors is Jamie Foxx. It's going to interesting to see who actually ends up being cast in the movie. The thing about Spawn, though, is that the title character won't be the main character of the story. McFarlane says that Twitch will be the main focus of the film, and he explains how it will be like Jaws, saying:

"There's two big roles in the script. There's obviously sort of Spawn himself, although in a weird way it's not the biggest role, and then there's the cop. The cop is this character Twitch who's been there since issue #1. Twitch is the role in this one, and I sort of refer to him as my sheriff Brody, who is the sheriff in the Jaws movie. Although it was called Jaws, Jaws didn't really talk a lot in his movie, right? He just kind of showed up at the opportune time to make the movie worthwhile."

He goes on to elaborate on how his Spawn movie compares to Jaws, saying:

"It was sheriff Brody, the humans talking, chasing the fantastical thing that sort of made the movie, and to me, there's that element. Everything else is normal in this story other than (gesture) the shadow moves, and at times even when it moves, the cop just sort of thinks he's losing his mind so he doesn't even trust that the shadow's moving. If you're a bad guy, then this thing is going to come and it's going to get you."

I love this concept for Spawn that he's rolling with. There's a lot of awesome potential here for this to be a great movie. I just hope that Mcfarlane can actually pull it off as a director. After all, the guy has never directed a movie before. It's a lot different than just drawing cool comic book art! 

What do you think about the direction that McFarlane wants to take Spawn?

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