Todd McFarlane Reveals What Stan Lee's Cameo Would Be in His SPAWN Movie
Todd McFarlane is still talking about that new Spawn movie that he's been working on forever. If it ever gets made, the creator wants Stan Lee to jump in for a cameo appearance. Lee had nothing to do with the creation of Spawn, but he is the king of cameos so why not throw him in just for the hell of it.
This weekend, McFarlane took the stage with Lee during a panel at Emerald City Comic-Con and that's where he revealed his vision for Lee's cameo:
“Stan Lee is in this building, and it’s a rundown building, and you kick open the door, you catch him by surprise, and he’s dressed in a wife-beater shirt. He hasn’t shaved for four days. He’s got a beer in one hand, and he’s got a big stogie in the other hand.”
He continued:
“That’s just the set-up. [Lee] always looks nice in his movies — I just want to do that crusty old curmudgeon. Basically, what his wife sees in the morning when he wakes up. The real Stan Lee. I want you to come into that movie and really act. I want you to just be nasty. It’d be awesome.”
There's no doubt that the fans would love to see that! It would be his darkest cameo yet! All McFarlane needs to do is actually make the movie! Lee said he'd do it under the condition that it was a minor role. He amusingly explains:
"I don’t get roles that are too big in the movies, because everybody is afraid I’ll get mistaken for Clark Gable."
It'd be pretty awesome if this actually happened, but I have no idea if McFarlane will ever get around to really making the movie. It's just one of those things that he loves to talk about.
Via: CB