Tom Cruise Injury Shuts Down Production on MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 6
Tom Cruise was injured over the weekend recent and now that injury has shut down production of Mission: Impossible 6, for up to 8 weeks.
Variety reports the stunt went wrong on the London set of MI6 and left Cruise struggling to walk on an injured right leg. The extent of his injuries are still unclear, but one individual close to the production said that Cruise may have broken his ankle in two places and hurt his hip.
The injury has forced producers to delay the production for an undetermined period, Paramount is still planning to release MI6 on July 27, 2018. But it's not clear if that date will have to be pushed back to make room for any delays in filming.
It's also not just the MI6 production that could be drastically affected by Cruise's injury, other cast members such as Simon Pegg, Henry Cavill, and Rebecca Ferguson are slated to start filming other projects as soon as MI6 wraps in the fall. Paramount is also concerned that any delay could cause delays on the release and filming of Cruise’s Top Gun sequel, which is set to premiere in July 2019.
During the stunt, which was caught on a video released by TMZ, Cruise jumped from rigging set up on the top of one building onto the rooftop of another. Unfortunately, Cruise fell short on the jump and had to catch himself on the building’s edge.
After pulling himself up, he tried to continue the take by running to his next mark, but he couldn’t put weight on his right leg and quickly fell to his knees. Stunt assistants came to Cruise’s aid as he limped off. You can watch a video from Entertainment Tonight below of it.