TOP GUN: MAVERICK Director Reveals One Aerial Stunt He Thought Was Impossible to Pull Off

Top Gun: Maverick had some of the best jet fighter aerial stunt footage that I’ve ever seen in a film. I don’t think we’ll ever see a movie like this get made again unless Paramount and Tom Cruise attempt to make another sequel, but I seriously doubt that’s going to happen.

Regardless, the flight scenes in Top Gun: Maverick were stunning, and they were pulling off stunts that even director Joseph Kosinski thought would be impossible. During a recent interview with CB, the filmmaker revealed a stunt in the film he didn’t think they’d actually be able to pull off:

"There's a sequence in the middle of the film where Maverick (Tom Cruise) runs the low level course by himself. For that sequence we got special permission from the Navy to fly under 50 ft at about 600 miles per hour. So that's one of those things that I don't think will ever be done again."

When you see this scene in the movie, you’ll be blown away that it was actually done for real! I love that there is absolutely no CGI jet flying in this movie. Everything is 100% real. and all the actors had to strap in and shoot their aerial scenes while in these fighter jets! Sure they were throwing up, but they were also living the dream! I would love to do that!

Top Gun: Maverick delivers is one of the best movie-going experiences ever! You have got to experience this movie in a theater on the big screen so you can feel the adrenaline rush!. This movie is going to blow you away! Just wait and see, you’re gonna want to be high-fiving everyone in the theater!

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