Trailer For a MAD MAX Inspired Post-Apocalyptic Film SCAVENGER


Cleopatra Entertainment has released a trailer for an Argentinian post-apocalyptic action thriller titled Scavenger. As you’ll see, the film was obviously heavily inspired by Mad Max, with a similar tone, costumes, vehicles, and well… everything.

The world that the story is set in is “a world with its owns rules”, the story follows Tisha (Nayla Churruarin), “an assassin and organ dealer with a dark past, seeks revenge for a crime that marked her life.”

I love how the synopsis has to point out that the assassin and organ dealer character has a dark past. It’s funny because I imagine anyone in that line of work would have a dark past.

The movie comes from Eric Fleitas and Luciana Garraza, and it also stars Eric Fleitas, Sofia Lanaro, Rosa Cuenya Macedo, Jose Manuel Solis Vargas, and Gonzalo Tolosa. Scavenger will he direct-to-VOD in the US starting May 11th.

Check out the trailer and let us know if this looks like a film worth checking out. (P) (C) 2021 Cleopatra Entertainment All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws#Scavenger ...

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