Trailer for a Modern-Day Western Called LITTLE WOODS with Tessa Thompson and Lily James
Here’s a trailer for what some are calling a crime drama, and some a modern western, Little Woods. The movie stars Tessa Thompson (Thor: Ragnarok, Creed) as Ollie and Lily James (Downton Abbey, Baby Driver) as her sister, Deb. The film is directed by Nia DaCosta, and has already been nominated for, and won, multiple film festival awards. Here’s a summary of the film:
A modern Western that tells the story of two sisters, Ollie and Deb, who are driven to work outside the law to better their lives. For years, Ollie has illicitly helped the struggling residents of her North Dakota oil boomtown access Canadian health care and medication. When the authorities catch on, she plans to abandon her crusade, only to be dragged in even deeper after a desperate plea for help from her sister.
The movie did the film festival circuit last year, and got some pretty great acclaim. It looks powerful and provocative. I hope I’ll get to see it. Little Woods opens in theaters on March 1, 2019. Check out the trailer here.