Trailer For a New WWII Action Thriller Titled ENEMY LINES
We’ve got a trailer for a new World War II action-thriller coming out titled Enemy Lines. The film stars Ed Westwick and the story is set in November 1943 and it follows a British commando squad that is “teamed with an American officer (Westwick) on a covert mission into Poland, deep behind enemy lines. Working with the resistance they cross the harsh wilderness intent on kidnapping and extracting a sought-after Polish scientist, Dr. Fabian (Pawel Delag), from the Germans.”
This looks like a standard WWII movie. There’s nothing really special that sets it apart from many of the other WWII films that have been released, but maybe it still might be worth checking out.
The movie was directed by Anders Banke, and it also John Hannah, Tom Wisdom, Corey Johnson, and Ekaterina Valdimirova. The movie will be released on April 24th.