Trailer For an Awkward Coming-Of-Age Romantic Comedy CALL ME BROTHER

I’ve got a weird trailer here for a super awkward coming-of-age romantic comedy titled Call Me Brother. What makes it so awkward? Well, it’s about a brother and sister who discover that they have intimate feelings for each other.

The film stars Saturday Night Live's Andrew Diskmukes and Christina Parrish, and the story follows a “brother and sister in their late teens who are reunited after years of separation only to discover intimate feelings they struggle to confront. Between immature friends and dysfunctional parents, they find comfort in each other over a wistful and awkward summer weekend.”

The film comes from director David Howe, who is making his directorial debut and it also stars Asaf RonenDanu UribeKim LoweryPresley Fuentes, and Charlie Ray Reid. As you’ll see in the trailer, it looks… interesting. It has a quirky kind of Napoleon Dynamite kind of vibe, but with an incest twist?

Call Me Brother will be released in "virtual cinemas" in the US on November 6th. 

Call Me Brother is a coming-of-age romantic comedy about a brother and sister in their late teens who are reunited after years of separation only to discover...

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