Trailer for John Malkovich's Pirate Series CROSSBONES — GeekTyrant

Trailer for John Malkovich's Pirate Series CROSSBONES

NBC has released the first promo trailer for their pirate series Crossbones, which stars John Malkovich as Blackbeard the pirate. The series was created by Neil Cross, who is behind the acclaimed British drama Luther

I was sold on the series just with the casting of Malcovich as Blackbeard, and I'm happy to say that the trailer doesn't disappoint!  This series looks freakin' awesome, and Malcovich is perfect in this role! I think it's going to be way better than what Starz is doing with Black Sails.

As a huge fan of pirates I'm incredibly excited for this show. I honestly wasn't expecting something like this from NBC, so I'm pleasantly surprised by how great it looks.

Here's a detailed synopsis:

It’s 1715 on the Bahamian island of Santa Campana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, aka Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. Part shantytown and part marauder’s paradise, this is a place like no other on Earth – and a mounting threat to international commerce.

Teach/Blackbeard has set his sights on the world’s first longitude chronometer, a device that will change society, sea-trade and global business. In a massive attack on an English vessel, Blackbeard attempts to steal the device; however, Tom Lowe, an English spy working undercover as the ship’s surgeon, destroys the chronometer before it can fall into his hands. Taken as prisoner to Santa Campana Island, Lowe must find a way to reassemble the precious device, all while trying to unfold Blackbeard’s plan… a plan that includes a threat to the English throne even worse than pirates.

From the award-winning creator of “Luther,” Neil Cross, and award-winning executive producers Walter F. Parkes and Laurie MacDonald (“Gladiator,” “Men in Black”) comes an extraordinary action adventure with an unexpected moral center where one can’t be sure whether the pirates or the British crown are the villains. One-hour drama.

The series premieres on May 30th

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