Trailer For Karen Gillan's Upcoming Dramady LATE BLOOMERS
Vertical has shared the trailer for an indie dramedy film titled Late Bloomers, which stars Karen Gillan. The story follows Louise, a 28-year-old Brooklynite who is adrift in life, and “finds herself suddenly single and grappling with her identity as a musician.”
While struggling with her underlying depression, “a reckless drunken stumble lands her with a broken hip, and leads to a stint in a physical therapy ward with patients twice her age. Here, she crosses paths with Antonina (Margaret Sophie Stein), a cantankerous elderly Polish woman who speaks no English.
“Reluctantly, Louise takes on the role of her caregiver, a situation neither welcomes. As they navigate their begrudging relationship, they confront realities of aging, forcing Louise to consider her own journey into adulthood.”
This looks like an amusing film that tells a sweet and heartfelt story. Late Bloomers was directed by Lisa Steen, who is making her feature directorial debut after making numerous short films.
The movie also stars Malgorzata Zajaczkowska as Antonina, Jermaine Fowler, Kevin Nealon, and Talia Balsam.
Late Bloomers will be released in select US theaters and on VOD starting on June 7th, 2024.