Trailer For THE AMERICAN DREAM AND OTHER FAIRY TALES a Documentary That Disney Doesn't Want You To See

I’ve got a trailer here for you to watch for an upcoming documentary film titled The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales that Disney definitely doesn’t want people to see as it deals with how poorly they treat their labor force. The film comes from Dr. Abigail E. Disney, the granddaughter of Roy O. Disney, co-founder of the company. She is a co-director of the film and she’s clearly not happy with what Disney has become.

In the doc, “filmmaker & philanthropist Abigail Disney grapples with America's profound inequality crisis. The story begins in 2018, after Abigail encounters workers at the company that bears her name struggling to put food on the table. Could she, a descendent, with no role in the conglomerate, use her famous last name to help pressure Disney and other corporations to treat low-wage workers more humanely? Believing her conservative grandfather, Roy Disney, (Walt's brother and company co-founder) would never have tolerated employee hunger at ‘The Happiest Place On Earth’, Abigail reexamines the story of modern American capitalism from the middle of the last century, when wealth was shared more equitably, to today, when CEO's earn upwards of 800 times more than their average employees. What happened? What Abigail learns in this film – about racism, corporate power, and the American Dream, is eye-opening, unexpected, and inspiring in that it begins to imagine a path to a fairer future for everyone.”

This doc gives us an honest and eye-opening look at how Disney and other big corporations are run in a way to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales is co-directed and produced by Abigail E. Disney and Kathleen Hughes (co-directors of the doc The Armor of Light. The movie will first debut in Orlando, Florida, starting on September 16, 2022. It will hit VOD on September 23rd. For more info, visit the film's official site.

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