Trailer for the Coming of Age Drama WHAT WE FIND ON THE ROAD
This is the trailer for an upcoming coming of age drama titled What We Find on the Road, which tells a summer-set story of self-discovery.
In the film, “On TJ's (Finn Haney) 18th birthday, a stranger delivers to him a key from his father, last seen as he was hauled off to prison 8 years previously.
“With the key is the address for a proposed meeting - 3000 miles away and in two weeks, so TJ heads off in hopes of repairing his family. The key unlocks a timeworn 1968 convertible, with a coffin welded to its floor.”
“With each decision that follows, TJ plunges deeper into the mysterious & beautiful landscapes we all navigate – on our own, with our tribe, through the shifting turns of the road ahead.”
The movie was directed by Chaysen Beacham, and the cast also includes William Chris Sumpter, Katherine Laheen, Paul Guilfoyle, and Ross Partridge. It looks like a solid little road trip movie, with some good performance.
Scatena & Rosner Films (S&R) will release What We Find on the Road in select US theaters on September 20th, 2024.