Trailer for the Sleep Paralysis Horror Film THE LAST RITE


Goldwyn Films has released a trailer for a horror film titled The Last Rite. The film centers around a young woman who suffers from sleep paralysis, which is an absolutely terrifying experience!

In the film, “Lucy (Bethan Waller), suffering from sleep paralysis, falls pray to a demonic force -- torn between sanity and the unknown, Lucy is left with no alternative but to contact a local priest.”

The movie was directed by Leroy Kincaide, who is making his directorial debut and it also stars Hella Stichlmair, Joe James, Tara Hoyos-Martinez, Johnny Fleming, Deborah Blake, and David Kerr.

The film may center around sleep paralysis, but there is a mishmash of a lot of other horror things going on. It looks like it could be a creepy flick worth checking out if you’re a horror fan. It will be released on November 26th, 2021 on VOD.

Have you ever experienced the horrors of sleep paralysis?

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